March empties!

Kedem hand cream- The best hand cream ever!:) It made my hands so silky and smooth and the smell of the cream was just amazing!:) Unfortenetly i haven't seen this beauty stand anymore and when searching online i found online store but i am not living in UK so shipping over here is way to expencive. Shop is over HERE

Minu arust maailma parim kätekreem.Muutis käed nii pehmeks ja siledaks ja lõhn oli  ka veel nii hea.Kahju et otsa sai:( Rohkem pole ma seda letti kuskil treffanud.Leidsin küll netipoe aga kui sa juhuslikult UK's ei ela siis saatmine siia on küll kallis.Netipoe leiad Siit

L'Oreal Lumi Magique foundation-For me the foundation didn't suit vey well.At that time i had a very problematic skin and this foundation didn't do much at this time.Full review over HERE

Minule antud jumestuskreem ei sobinud.Mul tol ajal oli väga problemaatiline nahk ja see kreem pole kohe kindlasti mõeldud sellisele tüüpi nahale.Pikem ülevaade SIIN

Oriflame eye gel- It's not emptie.I have had this thing so many years and i am not gonna but that thing under my eyes.Besides i have never had to use an eyecream,so it was just standing there alone,it is time to throw that thing away!

Ma sain selle geeli kui alustasin Oriflamega a'la 4 aastat tagasi ja pole seda kordagi kasutanud ja nüüd ma seda enam ka omale silma alla ei pane ,seega on aeg ta ära visata!

Avon mascara- Again,i did not like that mascara at all. I tried to work with it by combing through my lashes ,but still it was all over my eyelids.And the horrible part was that about week ago ,it gave my a swallen red eye lid.It was itching and it was so red,so i stoped using it and eye was fine.So i tried one more time and the result was the same.So now i am defenetly done with that mascara.

Jällegi üks toode,mis mulle kohe üldse ei meeldinud.Ma üritasin ja proovisin ,kammisin korralikult oma ripsmeid ,et midagi ei läheks laiali aga sellest polnud kasu.Ning tagatipuks mingi nädal tagasi ärkasin hommikul punetava ja sügeleva silmaga ülesse.Ma kusjuures eelmine päev tundsin küll kuidas mu silm sügeles aga ma ei pidanud seda eriliseks.Ning pärast oma ülespaisunud silma nähes lõpetasin kasutamise ja silm oli korras .Proovisin uuesti ja tulemus oli jälle sama! Seega selle tuššiga olen ma ühelpool!

L'Oreal Perfect Slim eyeliner-It was pretty decent eyeliner.But it tended to smudge as well a little.At the end i stopped using it and it dryed up.

Päris okei lainer oli,kuigi natuke määris ka.Mingil hetkel ma seda enam ei kasutanud ja kuivas lihtsalt ära.

Oriflame Power shine lip crayon-I like it!:) Unfortenetly i was able to sharp it only 2-3 times and then it was emptie.

Mulle täitsa meeldis see huulekriit.Kahjuks sain ma seda ainult 2-3 korda teritada kui oligi juba otsas.


  1. I love the Oriflame eye gel and I also use it on my lips when they are really bad :)

    1. Ohh really? I didn't know that it would suit for lips? Good to know!:))
