I was really suprised,when i discovered that i have package waiting for me.I didn't knew what it was. So it turned out that i got this new Garnier 5 sec Perfect Blur cream that promises all kinds of things to do only in 5 seconds!:) Also i have major problems with my skin right now ,and this cream is just the thing that i needed to make my skin look normal again:) Really excited to try it!:)
Olin parajalt ehmunud kui sain teada,et mind ootab pakk.Polnud ju ma midagi tellinud ja v6itnud ka polnud! Selgus siis ,et sain proovimiseks uue Garnier 5sec Perfect Blur kreemi ,mis lubab teha sadat imet sinu nahaga ja seda k6ike ainult paari sekundiga.Kuna mu näonahk pole hetkel just k6ige paremas korras ja probleemide kattmine on suht tüütu ,siis see kreem on nagu rusikas silmaauku,vähendamaks mu probleeme! Ootan igatahes selle katsetamist ja tulemust!:)
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