March favorites

Let's start with the beauty and and one clothing item:

Lumene pure radiance day cream: U can read the full review over Here
Oriflame perfecting face primer: Full review over HERE
Avon nude lipstick and H&M lipgloss duo:Very natural and beautiful finish.
Oriflame foundation brush: Full review over Here
Oriflame blush:Full review over Here
Hot pink tank top:Gorgeous top!:) It's pretty sheer so i add another top underneath it.:)

Moving on,i really have been loving those two Lipton teas with Strawberry cupcake and blueberry muffin.

Blueberry one does taste and smell like real fresh blueberry's but not like muffin:( Strawberry cupecake one smells and tastes also like fresh strawberry's and even has a light cupcake after taste:) I really like how Lipton comes out those unique teas because let's be honest regular fruit tea doesn't sound that good than these two over here:)

Last but not least are 2 tv shows that i have been absolutely obsessed with:)

Arrow: It's a story about this rich guy named Oliver Queen who spends five years on a  stranded island because of  a shipwreck.When he returns he become this green hooded guy and kills all the bad people who is in the list that his father gave him before he died.I know it sound weird but it's a really good action show and i like those kinda tv series:) Also Stephen Amell / Oliver Queen is super hot!:))
The walking dead:Omg!! This is like the best show ever and am so obsessed !:) Usually  don't like zombie type movies but this one rocks!:) I just finished the 3seasons 14th episode and i can't wait until the next one airs:) Basecally it's a story about this virus that turns everybody into a zombies and groups of people trying to survive all  of this:) It really keep's u on a edge and if u haven't seen this then u totaly have to!:)

Minu selle kuu ilulemmikuteks on: Lumene kirgastav päevakreem(klikka sildile Here ,siis saad ülevaate enamus tootest) Oriflame primer ja jumestuskreemi pintsel.Avoni ja H&M huuleläike combo.Tulemuseks on naturaalne ja kergelt läikiv huul.) Oriflame p6sepuna mida olen viimasel ajal kasutama hakanud igapäevaselt:) Ning roosa top mille hankisin Paavlist.Kuna ta on suhteliselt läbi nähtav siis lisan alla tavalise musta värvi topi et asja parandada.
Lisaks on suurteks lemmikuteks saanud ka Liptoni  mustika muffini ja maasika"tassikook" teed.M6lemal on ülihea maitse ja l6hn kuid maasika omal on natuke rohkem tunda siis nö seda "tassikoogi" maitset:) Olen igati rahul selle leiuga ,sest need igapäevased puuvilja teed on suht üle visanud ja mulle nii meeldivad sellised erilised maitsed:)
Järgmisena olen täiesti s6ltuvuses 2 seebikast: Vibukütt ja Elavad surnud.
Vibuküti point on selles et rikkur Oliver Queen satub oma isaga laeva6nnetusse, mille tagajärel Oliver veedab 5 aastat üksikul saarel ja kui ta sealt siis pääseb ,saab temast rohelist kapuutis ja noolt kandev Vibukütt kes siis hakkab jahtima inimesi kes on märkmikus mille ta isa talle enne surma andis.K6lab suhteliset imelikult aga tegelikult on tegemist hea sarjaga ja oleme ka ausad,peategelane on ikka hullult kena !:))
Ja mis puutub Elavatesse surnutesse siis ma olen täiesti s6ltuvuses! Tavalislet ma ei vaata zombie filme,kuid see sari rokib täiega! Pärast esimest osa olin konksu otsas ja vaatasin 2 ja poole päevaga 3 hooaega praktiliselt ära.L6petasin just 3hooaja 14 osaga ja ei j6ua lihtsalt ära oodata uut osa:) Niiv6rd p6nev ja kaasahaarva on:) Tegemist on siis looga kus mingi viirus tabab maailma ja muudab nad zombiks ja grupp inimesi katsuvad kogu selles kaoses ellu jääda:)

What's on your favorites list this month?
Mis olid Teie lemmikud sel kuul?


  1. I have been wanting to try those Lipton teas for ages now, yum yum!x
