Youtube gurus

She was the first guru that i discovered on Youtube 4 years ago and i was shocked that these kinda of videos do exist.I learned so much by watching her.Now i joy more her daily vlogs  than beauty videos.

Avastasin selle neiu 4 aastat tagasi kogemata Youtubist ja olin täitsa šhokis ,et selliseid iluvideoid saadaval on.Teda jälgides panin nii mõndagi kõrva taha:) Nüüd aga naudin rohkem tema igapäeva videoid kus ta räägib oma esimesest rasedusest ja kolimisest.

Allthatglitters21 and Juicystar07:
These two are sisters and they started doing beauty videos in there bedroom like any other guru but now they have there own make up line,phone case line,two books and tons and tons more things.There videos where simple and nice at first but now they post a video very rarely and then it is sponsored.I don-t mind that but there are a lot of forums that discuss there videos,how they are only sponsored,they are lying about there names,plastic surgery and a lot more.

Need kaks on õed ja alustasid ka oma videote tegemist magamistoas 6a tagasi ja nüüdseks on nad päris edukad-meigikollektsioon,telefonikorpuste kollektsioon,2 raamatut jne.Nende videod olid algul lihtsad ja meeldivad aga nüüd postitavad nad aina harvemini ja enamus on ka sponsoreeritud.Nende jaoks on isegi loodud foorum kus siis arutatakse nende ilukirurgiat,videoid,nende valesid ja palju muud.

Dulce Candy:
I started to watch her while she was still in the army and she has changed since then so much.This girls seriously have an hoarder obsession.Her closet/ office is full of stuff and her beauty room is full with make up and she buys more everyday and not like one shade of lipstick but all 10 of them.Also she says that she is a fashion guru but sometimes i watch her BLOGPOSTS and think what the hell is she wearing?!

Teda hakkasin ma jälgima siis kui ta veel sõjaväes oli ja sellest ajast on ta ikka päris palju muutunud.Sellel neiul on kalduvusi koguda kraami kokku.Näiteks tema kapp/ kontor on täis riideid,kotte,jalatseid ja tema ilutuba on täis meiki mida ta eluseeski ära ei kasuta ja ta osta igapäev aina juurde või talle lihtsalt saadetakse ja siis ei piirdu ta ka ainult ühe tooni huulepulgaga nagu tavaks ,vaid ta ostab kõik saadavalolevad toonid ära!Lisaks on ta saanud ka moeguru tiitli kuid vaadates mõnikord tema postitusi BLOGIS,ei vääri ta küll seda tiitlit.

Bethany Mota:
I just started to watch her so i don't know much of her but so far she is my fav guru.I liker personality and her videos are interesting and cute.She has her own clothing line and she more than 5 million subscribers.

Alustasin tema jälgimist alles hiljuti,seega ei tea temast palju.Ta sai kiiresti mu lemmikuks-tal on lahe iseloom ja ta videod on lihtsad ja huvitavad.Tal on väljas oma riidekollektsioon ja üle 5 miljoni jälgija.

I started to watch her also lately and like Bethany her videos are cute and interesting.She has bubbly personality and her cat Nugget is just the cutest furrball ever!:)

Alustasin tema jälgimist ka alles ja nagu Bethany'l on ka temal väga lahe iseloom ja ta videod on huvitavad.Lisaks tema kass Nugget on maailma armsaim karvapall:)

Well,she is not your average beauty guru.She looks different,her video quality sucks and her tutorials are not the best.She doesn't post as ofter like she use to do but still i like to watch her because she is so different.

Tema ei ole nüüd küll tavaline guru keda youtubis näha võib.Ta näeb teistmoodi välja,videote kvaliteed on kohutav ja tema meigipostitused on kah nii nagu nad on aga siiski vaatamata sellele on teda ikkagi huvitav vaadata ,missest et ta enam nii tihti ei postita.

Joey Garceffa:
Joey is the cutest thing on Youtube!:) His personality is just nuts!:) His videos are fun and interesting.And not to mention that he was on the Amazing race twice!:) He has more than 3 million subscribers.

Joey on lihtsalt nii nunnu!:) Ta on iseloomult täitsa pöörane ja ta videod on alati nii huvitavad.Tal on üle 3 miljoni jälgija ja ta osales saates Pöörane seiklus kaks korda:)

Who are your fav gurus on youtube?

Keda jälgid sina?

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